ͼƬ СѧӢģʺͿɫColor the Rainbow_n|appƽ̨**


ǰλãҳ > > Ӣ > СѧӢ > >

СѧӢģʺͿɫColor the Rainbow

Դ::δ֪ | :n|appƽ̨** | Ӱ
     Hi,I'm Freda Frog! Help me guess theColorthe rainbow. Here is my cap, I wear upon my head. I can guess its color... It's RED!! Here is apumpkin, sitting in the sun.I can guess its color... It's an ORANGE one!! Here is a little duckling,a funny little fellow. I can guess its color... It is YELLOW!! Here is my dinner,Yucky lima beans,I can guess its color... They are helping me!! START OVER THE ʺͿɫ

     ˣܸ״Ҳ³ڲʺеЩɫҵñӣҰͷϡҿԲ³ɫ...... ǺɫģһϹ̫šҿԲ³ɫ...... dzɫģһֻСѼӣһȤСһҿԲ³ɫ...... ǻɫģҵͣҿԲ³ɫ...... ɫģһɳ̲Ƥո·ġҿԲ³ɫ...... ɫģһǣһСճճĻ״ҿԲ³ɫ...... ɫģúãллң
